Stop the Imposter. Start the Confidence

Proven course: In just four weeks, you'll banish your Imposter!

The Imposter Syndrome Group Coaching Programme gives you all of the tools you need to feel qualified, speak up for yourself, and attract top-level positions. The course will enable you to be confident speaking up in meetings, rather than holding yourself back over fear of sounding unknowledgeable.

Find yourself thinking or feeling these things?

These are all signs of Imposter Syndrome...and it won't go away unless you deal with it. Your Imposter will continue to hold you back.

  • You don't speak up in meetings because you're worried you won't sound knowledgeable?

  • You re-do your work multiple times so that it's perfect?

  • You don't ask for help even when you need it because you "should" be able to juggle it all?

  • Constantly comparing yourself to others and always seeking feedback and validation?

  • You think you should get it right the first time - if you really are talented then it should be easy

  • Waiting for the relief to finally be "found out" so that you can stop the facade?


Verified Review: Kate H

"Olivia is a fantastic coach and I would highly recommend her Imposter Syndrome course. I really feel as though I have been able to distance myself from my Imposter. I found the course materials very interesting, particularly the studies cited. I also really benefited from Olivia's tips and tricks to deal with your Imposter in specific situations. I had a particular breakthrough with one of the tools that Olivia gave to us."

The Confidence - Imposter Cycle

You're trapped in a cycle where some days you're confident, others you're full of self-doubt

And this doubt makes you work incredibly hard so that you can prove your worth to your Imposter. The problem is, you stay stuck in the cycle, swinging between feeling confident to being full of self doubt. You are able to get out of this cycle, so that you feel confident every day. In this course, I'll teach you how.

Are you ready to stop wasting your time, energy and endless worrying that you'll be found out?

Introducing my Overcome your Imposter Online Course

You're tired of feeling this way, or you've read articles and listened to podcasts but they haven't helped. You may have even tried therapy...Read more about the course framework and how it works. And there's a moneyback guarantee if you're not satisfied.

How does it work?

When you purchase the course, you will be taken to an enrol page. From there, you can log-in and start straightaway, or when it's convenient for you. It is a self-paced course - designed to be one lesson per day over 21 days.

  • Instant access to all of the course materials - videos, audios, checklists, worksheets and links to further helpful resources such as podcasts and articles

  • Regular emails to remind you to jump in and get to the next stage with the course

  • Email access to me - your trainer - if you have any questions about the course content. Please allow 3 working days response time

  • Choose between two payment options - one time payment or two monthly payments to spread it out

  • Ideas and suggestions for how to complete the course - so that you get it done and move towards getting rid of your Imposter. These tools will also help with forming new habits too!

Imagine how good you'll feel when you can...

Present in a client meeting with confidence; get back personal time as you've let go of your perfectionist tendencies; stop agonising over feedback; realise you can ask for help; and stop living with daily anxiety that makes you feel like a fraud.

Course curriculum

Here's a sample of what's included

  • Where has your Imposter Syndrome come from? Get to the heart of the issue and how it's affecting you

  • Psychology and proven mindset tools to overcome your Imposter Syndrome

  • Identify language and behaviours that reflect your Imposter Syndrome

  • Excerpts from my live group coaching sessions with discussion between my clients and myself

  • Workplace lessons - Manager's Guide for helping team members with Imposter Syndrome; through to improving your own workplace confidence


Verified review: Irenie D

"I have definitely noticed an improvement in my confidence and for the first time I offered to do a presentation, rather than being asked! I keep using the tools and coming back to them."

Course Inclusions & Bonuses

Course bonuses alone are worth £350, course investment is £127, or two payments of £69

  • Bonus 1: Access to my full Imposter Syndrome speech

    Watch my Imposter Syndrome speech and understand why we need to overcome it.

  • Bonus 2: Workplace tools

    A guide for Managers to support team members with Imposter Syndrome (hint: it's hard to spot and identify); workplace allyship guide and personal workplace confidence guide.

  • Bonus 3: Course materials and resources to keep

    Worksheets, checklists, further resources and tools that you'll be able to continue to use throughout your career.

Testimonials and reviews

Inner confidence and track to senior leadership

Katie H

"Olivia helped reignite a fire in my belly…I've never known myself to have this level of inner confidence...I've since been promoted to a senior leadership role."

A new role and a payrise

Sarah J

"With Olivia's support and coaching, I've achieved a 20% payrise & secured an exciting, senior role in my company. Olivia helped me to articulate my vision without feeling like an imposter. I recommend her to any women or men!”

Inner confidence, gravitas and new projects

Nicola W

"Since starting coaching with Olivia, I have found my confidence and my colleagues are responding to me so positively. I feel lighter, clearer and have new ideas. I'm taking the lead in meetings and been asked by the CEO to take over an important project."

Is this course right for you?

If you're answering 'yes', then this course will help you

  • You've got a great list of achievements and accomplishments to your name, but you don't believe you deserve them / think you received them by luck

  • You are committed, dedicated and have a growth mindset - you are ready to make a change

  • You may manage a team, or be seen as a natural leader or mentor in your company. Or you'd like to do more of this - but you continually question yourself.

  • It's likely you've been told that you're a "high achiever" or you consistently get great feedback - yet you think people are being kind

According to a ground-breaking study, it is possible to overcome your Imposter Syndrome

Clance & Imes, 1978: "The imposter phenomenon in high achieving women"

Study excerpt: "As a result of a combination of such therapeutic interventions in conjunction with a commitment to change, a high achieving woman who has previously considered herself an impostor begins to allow herself to state and feel, "I am intelligent. I have learned and achieved a tremendous amount. It is alright for me to believe in my own intellectual abilities and strengths." She begins to be free of the burden of believing she is a phony and can more fully participate in the joys, zest, and power of her accomplishments."

Instructor - Your Imposter Banisher

Founder of The Women's Vault; Coach; Executive Advisor and Award-winning Communications specialist

Olivia Bath

Olivia specialises in women's confidence and leadership coaching. She delivers workshops, speeches and programmes to corporates, including her new Imposter course and returning to work coaching programmes. Olivia has delivered workshops to Nomura Investment Bank, Woodside Petroleum, Simply Business Insurance and at CPD and Pregnant Then Screwed's Festival of Confidence. She has worked with hundreds of women across the world. Her individual clients work at companies including the NHS, Amazon, PwC, EY, Nuffield Health, law firms and charities.

Testimonials and reviews

An invaluable impact

Claudia L

"Thank you for all of your advice and coaching support. It has had an invaluable impact on my career."

Corporate Full Day Training on Women's Confidence and Leadership


"Thank you to Olivia for a providing a very practical approach to solving some of the issues women in business face on a daily basis. Self-doubt, lack of confidence and imposter syndrome... provided me with some useful techniques to put into practice. I already feel more confident and empowered to succeed."

Corporate Full Day Training on Women's Confidence and Leadership


"Energising day which amplifies the importance of women in leadership coaching especially around internal self confidence and how this is a catalyst for professional growth."

More confidence and a new job


"THANK YOU for inspiring me and giving me more confidence. I've now got a new job, payrise and flexible work arrangements that work for me and my family."

Pricing options

Choose from two pricing options


  • What results should I expect?

    Consistent results from my coaching practice include: ● Secured their dream job or long-hoped for promotions ● Achieved pay rises of up to 35% plus bonuses ● Secured flexible working that allow more balance, without compromising salary ● Returned to work after maternity leave or career break with a clear personal brand that’s resulted in internal opportunities such as leading high profile projects and secondments ● Become the most confident version of themselves which lead to a change in the way others perceive them and then positive results eg they are asked to lead high profile projects or a new business line.

  • Do you offer a moneyback guarantee?

    Sure, just email me, no questions asked and you'll be refunded. Email: [email protected]

  • Does it matter where I'm based?

    No, this course is all online, you can be based anywhere in the world to access the materials.

  • How long does it take?

    Each lesson is around 15-20mins to complete. Some are even shorter. The course is self-paced and so once you complete a lesson, you can move onto the next one. It is designed to be completed in 21 days.

  • What qualifications do you have?

    I am a qualified coach (NeuroLinguistic Programming) and draw on some of the models used in this training, plus my own expertise of working with my clients and CEOS for the last 16 years.

  • How do I know if it's right for me?

    This course is right for you if: you're experiencing Imposter Syndrome and you're tired of it holding you back because it's costing you valuable time, energy and anxiety. If you want to finally overcome your Imposter and truly build your confidence step by step and using models and frameworks. If you're ready to be the most confident version of yourself, stepping into your strengths and self-worth.

  • What happens after I purchase the course?

    After you purchase, you will be sent to sign up as a student. From there, you'll be able to access the materials. You can log in anytime to access the videos and resources.

  • What if I want to do it, but I'm unsure and have some more questions

    No problems, you want to make the right decision. Simply email me: [email protected] and I'll reply to you within 2-3 business days.

  • Do you offer this course live?

    Yes! I do it once a year to anyone in my community but doors have closed for this year. I also offer it to corporates as a 6 week group coaching programme. Email me if you'd like to be kept on the waitlist for when the doors open in 2023 or if you are a corporate wanting to offer it to employees, then please email: [email protected]

Or are you prepared to stay stuck, with self-doubt and lacking confidence?

Changing your self beliefs is hard, but it is possible.

Let me tell you, your Imposter will continue to hold you back. You can stay stuck, that's totally cool and your choice. This programme is for women who are ready to feel confident, who are tried of the comparison game and want to re-set. It's for you if you want to be confident and accelerate your career. Because of the results that my clients achieve, you should expect big results from this programme. Moneyback guaranteed.

Pricing options

Choose the pricing plan that works for you