Mini package: Two coaching sessions

Thank you for purchasing my Working Mum's Toolkit. As a thank you, I'd like to offer you my support as a specialist women's career and maternity/motherhood coach. Coaching sessions are 30mins via Zoom. Once these spots are gone, they're gone! Here's some of the ways that I can help you to live a happier, more content and confident life:

  • Negotiate flexible working so that you can have time with your LO

  • Negotiate a payrise. My clients have secured payrises of up to 35%

  • Learn how to set boundaries, have balance and use mindfulness tools - my clients say they are productive, happy and leading balanced lives

  • Accelerate your career - set goals and a create a plan on how to achieve it. My clients have secured their dream jobs, changed careers, been promoted and more

  • Develop your personal brand and profile - my clients are breaking through to the next level with my strategies that I used to share with CEOs

  • Be more confident, get rid of your imposter that's holding you back

Hey, let's have an honest chat...

Being a working mother is hard. It’s relentless, exhausting and you have little control over your day.

It seems everyone - from your kids to their teacher, your Manager to your stakeholders - need something from you. You’re constantly juggling and multitasking. It is so hard to do anything for you. There’s such little spare time, freedom (remember when you could go to the gym or an art class after work?!), flexibility and you’re constantly rushing. Some days, it’s hard to breathe. You've got so much on your plate, let alone the Mum guilt when you drop the ball, or they cling to you as you drop them at nursery. This, along with internal barriers such as a lack of confidence and external barriers, like work hours, systems and hierarchies make it even harder for women. It's my mission to help you break through these barriers. I know how hard it is. I bring my corporate leadership experience, my advisory background (I used to work with CEOs in Banking & Finance) and my coaching expertise.

I'm here to help you take control

Live the life that YOU want

I don't want working Mums, like you, to be miserable. I don't want you to dread waking up every morning to another, thankless day of hard work and being a parent, where you feel undervalued and unappreciated. It's my mission to help you to thrive at work and at home. I want you to be the best version of you. I have proven with my clients how you can be confident, fulfilled and content - without the family support or a nanny. I also use these tools in my corporate programmes with companies in the UK and Australia. Now, I'd love to share with you what I know of how to juggle motherhood and work.

Choose from two payment options

You have the option for a one payment, or monthly instalments. Coaching valid for 6 months from date of purchase.

Limited time very special offer - as a Thank You for purchasing the Working Mum's Toolkit

You can use these coaching sessions anytime in the next 6 months

Feel good about doing something for yourself and investing in you. Expect short and long-term results.


Dr Helen Williams

Olivia has been my secret weapon after returning to a new role - Chief Commercial Officer - at my company. She's my confidante, sounding board and ally.

Melissa Stellino

Simply put Olivia is amazing! Prior to my return to work I was riddled with anxiety. I worked with Olivia on my confidence, negotiation skills, productivity, time management. As a result of the sessions, I have had the confidence to continue excelling in my career and managing the juggling act. Now, I’m more productive and can switch off to enjoy time with my son.


Some of the results and outcomes that you can expect to achieve

  • The ability to juggle a busy and demanding job with a family for the long-term, when you have many internal and external barriers to overcome

  • Be more confident than you’ve ever been before and have the tools to change your mindset in the future including negotiating a pay rise - I’ve helped clients to achieve up to 35% plus bonus

  • Learn to manage your energy and your schedule with competing priorities so that you no longer become burnt out

  • Negotiate a flexible work arrangement, even if your employer has declined your request

Very Special Offer

When the timer stops, this coaching offer will no longer be available

  • 00 Days
  • 00 Hours
  • 00 Minutes
  • 00 Seconds


Megan Gray

Olivia is my go-to coach on all things business and working motherhood. She is gifted in her abilities and expertise, and is kindhearted and generous. I feel very lucky to be able to call on Olivia on an ongoing basis for whatever coaching I may need. I also don’t believe I would have gotten my dream job without her. I recommend Olivia to everyone.

Roz Donnelly

Olivia is amazing. She is an extremely good listener, has the credibility as she has walked the walk in the corporate world and more. She gets you to an answer by asking thought provoking questions as well as providing tools, tips and techniques that get you started quickly in the adaptations or changes you want to make. Highly recommend her.

How it works and you'll benefit

  • How does it work?

    Once you purchase this mini coaching package, you'll be able to access some further information, including how to book your coaching sessions into my diary. Coaching sessions are done via Zoom. You can be based anywhere in the world. Coaching sessions are 30mins.

  • Is it confidential and are you qualified?

    Yes. Our sessions are 100% confidential. I'm a NLP (Neurolinguistic Programming) certified coach with a specialism in women's careers, motherhood and maternity. I also work with corporate organisations, providing coaching for women returning after mat leave; parents and leadership training programmes.

  • How will it change my life?

    Prepare to feel more confident, calm and in control. We'll work through some specific challenges. If you implement what you've learned then you will get positive results in your personal and professional life. Read the testimonials to see how it's benefitted the lives of the women that I work with.

You don't have to be overwhelmed, exhausted and feel unappreciated

Let me help you with my practical tools and tips

Take advantage of this very special, limited time offer. Usually my coaching starts at £500 however I'm doing this right now so that I can help as many women as possible. So women are burnt out, exhausted and overwhelmed. For the first time since the 1970s, more women are choosing to stay at home and not work. But the thing is, we love to work. It's such a big part of our identity and we derive satisfaction from it. It's something just for you. So my mission is to help you to overcome barriers from Mum guilt to a lack of confidence through to the challenging systems and culture of your workplace. Let me help you with my one to one coaching that's personalised to you.


  • What if I'm not satisfied?

    You'll get your money back, plus either a free 1:1 coaching session with me worth £250, or one of my courses or Masterclasses - your choice. Email me and you'll be refunded within 3 working days.

  • When can I use the coaching sessions?

    Anytime over the next 6 months. They will expire after 6 months. Once you've completed the purchase, you'll be sent a link to my calendar to book in your coaching session.

  • How do I know I will get the results?

    I have proven results with my clients across many industries (finance, law, healthcare, charity and start-up/tech). I worked in banking & finance for 16 yrs in the UK and Australia including in leadership roles. I am published in the press and regularly asked to provide commentary on topics such as flexible working.

  • What if I'm ready to do a full coaching package instead?

    Great! Please email me for my application form. NB I only work with a small number of clients at a time. Email: [email protected]

  • How do coaching sessions work?

    We will focus on one to two topics in each session. Typically these are the biggest challenges you are facing either in your personal or professional life. The only thing you need to bring is a pen and paper (to take notes and any action points for you) and a glass of water / herbal tea. We start the session by connecting, discussing the issues you want to tackle and then we get into the coaching session. Typically I will ask you questions that will guide you to overcome your challenges. We will conclude with any actions you plan to take.

  • What if I can't make my coaching session?

    Please provide 48 hrs notice via email so we can reschedule. Failure to turn up, or cancellation on the day results in a cancellation of that session. If you are late, the session will still finish at the allocated time.

  • Can I get my work to pay?

    Yes you can - all you need to do is provide payment to secure your place. Once the spots are gone, they are gone.

About your coach

Founder of The Women's Vault; Coach; Executive Advisor and Award-winning Communications specialist

Olivia Bath

Olivia specialises in women's confidence and leadership coaching. She delivers workshops, speeches and programmes to corporates, including her new Imposter course and returning to work coaching programmes. Olivia has delivered workshops to Nomura Investment Bank, Woodside Petroleum, Simply Business Insurance and at CPD and Pregnant Then Screwed's Festival of Confidence. She has worked with hundreds of women across the world. Her individual clients work at companies including the NHS, Amazon, PwC, EY, Nuffield Health, law firms and charities.

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Geraldine Nordefelt - Journalist and Author

I have worked with Olivia to help overcome my challenges at workTe and find that elusive balance in being a parent to three young children, and fulfilling my creative and personal ambitions. Olivia is warm, generous and clear-sighted. She has helped me identify patterns and subconscious sentiments which were holding me back from my own potential. I have benefitted enormously from her wisdom and advice, which I now put into practice daily, and highly recommend her.


Rosie Craig

I enlisted Olivia’s support while I was navigating the first 6 months of my role at a fast growth/high profile startup in the UK. As a senior member of the UK operations team in a very competitive field my team was under great pressure to ensure we both expanded our operations rapidly while also keeping a very high bar on performance. Olivia filled a multitude of roles in her time as my coach: she became a sounding board for ideas; helped me to draw focus amongst the noise; challenged my unhelpful thinking; encouraged routine and self-care and much more. My confidence and focus has improved as a result of the work Olivia and I did together. I would massively recommend Olivia and hope to work with her again in the near future.

Choose from two payment options

You have the option for a one payment, or monthly instalments. Coaching valid for 6 months from date of purchase.